How quickly did 2012 go by. Even New Year's Eve (which in the past has gone on interminably) seemed to fly by this year. Those last few weeks in December travelled over the speed limit as far as I was concerned. Unfortunately there was no time to send cards this year. I just hope the few friends I have left, don't drop me because of my failure to send out Christmas Cards. I'm thinking of mailing everyone a January newsletter to give my reasons for being so remiss.
The lazy days of summer have arrived in Brisbane. The buzz of the Cicada chorus is present all day and then at night the crickets and mossies take over. We also seem to be getting more than our fair share of large cockroaches which are drawn to the night time lights and fly in through the windows. The quickest way to despatch these is with carefully thrown thong. Tilly gets most excited when she hears the sound of a thong thwacking the floor or a wall - she likes to rub her face on whatever remains of these obnoxious creatures. Who knew cockroaches would have a delicate aroma which is extremely attractive to German Shepherds. Tilly is now 10 months old and adult sized. Of course she is a wild as ever and has managed to destroy all our pot plants, and anything plastic or metal left lying around the garden. Her latest foray has been to get stuck into the number plate on our car. It now has a couple of teeth marks and has been badly mauled around the edges.
Christmas was wonderful this year with all the extended family returning home to Brisbane to celebrate. My niece and her husband and four small daughters returned from Singapore, my nephew returned from London, and my other nephew came with his partner and young son and daughter from Sydney. On Christmas Day we all gathered at my sister Dianne's home to celebrate - 23 including children. Boxing Day we went to my sister Vicki's home for another feast and about 30 guests this time. I think I must have put on a couple of kilos over this period with way too much delicious food consumed. The weather in Brisbane has been glorious. There have been a couple of very hot days but mostly the days have been 30 degrees Celsius or less. Perfect for languid days by the pool or at the beach. I'll try to post a few pictures to highlight this period, but for some reason I'm having trouble bringing up the browse box to load them up from my computer. Happy 2013 to anyone who happens to read this blog - good health and happiness in the coming year is my wish to all.
Vicki's Christmas Tree |
Tilly's fully Grown now but still acting like a crazy puppy |
Festive Season down under and a full moon as well |
Charlie possum stalking |
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