Some pics of the house and land at Dalveen might be called for I think. That way you can see why I love it so much, although it is getting to be a bit of a handful these days. When we were looking for a little house near Stanthorpe almost 10 years ago, I fell in love with this one at first sight. Stanthorpe and vicinity were suffering from a drought at the time, and this house had been on the market for a couple of years with subsequent price drops. Built around 1916 by an ex Brickee from Sydney it is unusual for the area - a cavity brick - usually you'll find timber houses from this era in Queensland. The house and land were bought and built for Mr and Mrs Coomber's retirement - to be a Fruit Orchard - stone fruit in particular. However, the fruit trees would not mature for a few years and the Coombers took in boarders while they waited for an income from fruit. At the beginning the boarders were returned soldiers from World War 1 who had been gassed and came to the mountains for the fresh air for their damaged lungs. Consequently the house became known in the area as a bit of a convalescent home for these returned diggers.
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