Sunday, April 15, 2012

Vale Rosie 1999 - 2011

I have spent the last week recovering from the celebrations for Catherine's 60th birthday.  Phewwww!!  What with the trip to Sydney and then all the preparations and cooking for the party, followed by much cleaning up and post party brunch on the Sunday, by Monday I was completely exhausted.  I even had an afternoon nap a couple of times last week. 

In between snoozes I've been looking for the perfect puppy to replace our darling German Shepherd Rosie, who died last November at the grand old age of 11 years and 11 months.  Not bad for a dog who was given a life span of 4 to 6 years by the Vet because she constantly suffered from skin and gut problems and bouts of pancreatitis.  Initially we planned to take a 2 - 3 year break from dogs as we believe no new dog could live up to Rosie's vigour, spirit and intelligence.  Unfortunately the reality is we are missing our "pup" too much - there's a great big hole in our lives and our hearts where she used to roam.  So I've taken the big decision (and thankfully Catherine agrees) to find a replacement for our beloved Rosie.  Naturally we are looking for another German Shepherd and I'll hear tomorrow if I've been successful in my bid for our first choice in pups.  If that bid fails it's on to Plan B where there are 2 female pups up for grabs.  So this blog is soon to be plastered with photographs of the new puppy.  Before that happens I'm going to post a few more photographs of our wonderful old girl Rosie - from puppy to seniority.

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