I love Spring - especially at Dalveen. It has been very dry in Brisbane and Dalveen this winter but we still seem to have a bit of green grass around the house at Dalveen. This brings in the wallabies during the night and when you wake up in the morning there's usually still a few strays hanging around having a bit of a munch on the grass before Tilly gets out there and scares them off. I captured these shots through the kitchen window which has fly screen on it - that's why they're a bit fuzzy. The little joey in the pouch is allowed out every now and then by a very cautious mother. She knows there's a crazy puppy which could romp around the corner at any time, so usually when she's this close to the house, she keeps her joey securely cocooned in her pouch.

We've also been blessed with the arrival of a pair of spotted pardalotes this year. In our ten years at the property at Dalveen I've only ever seen Striated Pardalotes, but this year this little pair have turned up and have dug out a small tunnel under the dinghy where they've obviously placed their nest. Unfortunately there's no way of seeing what's going on in there, but I feel sure it's all about procreation. These few pics give you some idea of how cute these little birds are and unlike the Striated Pardalote, they seem particularly curious to find out more about Tilly and me when we go on our daily walks.
Unfortunately there will be no new life where Tilly is concerned. She reached the six month mark and as we aren't going to be breeding from her, it was off to the Vet to be desexed. She wasn't too happy about the headwear, but everything has progressed nicely and she is fully recovered from the op.